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#30dayswild Week 1

The first week of The Wildlife Trust #30dayswild is over, and we have had a blast! I can’t believe how fast it’s actually gone! We loved doing something wild every day this past week and so I’ve decided to share what we’ve been up to.

Day 1

We kept it pretty simple to start with, with some nature based water play!

I simply filled up Mollys tuff spot, and then we went around the garden collecting bit to put in it. Leaves, flowers, petals, grass. Anything she wanted really. Molly was amused for a good hour or so, filling up cups and scooping up the flowers. Pouring the water from one pot to another.

Day 2

Liams Nan was over for the day, so we decided to go to the park. We played in the park for a bit, and then decided to walk through the fields to get home.

There were so many large daisies, and Molly loved picking them. Molly yelled “bird” every time she even heard a bird tweeting. We also saw a bumble bee and we watched it fly from flower to flower and making “buzzing” noises all the way home.

Day 3

We have a selection of herbs growing in the back garden. Coriander, rosemary, mint,basil and chives. Today we let Molly explore them. Taking them, smelling them. She favours the smell of mint and the taste of chives! She is not a fan of basil!

Day 4

Walking through the woods to find Elderflower! We managed to pick a lot of it! Molly had to smell every head that we picked before it went into the bag. We took it home and we successfully made Elderflower cordial which fricking yum!

We also came across giant dandelions on our adventures and we had to blow the little seeds away. Did anyone else do this as a kid?

Day 5

Making a bird feeder with a 17 month old who just wants to eat everything is hard! We did it though! We saved the cardboard tube from a loo roll and spread peanut butter onto it. Then we rolled it in birdseed until completely covered. We added chopstick at the bottom as something for the birds to sit on and popped it into the tree. We will see how long it lasts as I’m pretty sure it would survive if a pigeon wanted to have a taste!

Day 6

Day 6 of our #30dayswild was spent at Chobham Adventure Farm as we were kindly invited to visit. We were outside for 95% of the day. Seeing the farm animals, stroking them, running barefoot in the sand, eating outdoors instead of indoors. Doing everything we could to be outdoors! It was a glorious day weather wise and we had so much fun exploring!

Day 7

We popped on our puddle suit and played outside in the rain. I’ve a whole post on activities to do in the rain. Molly loves playing in the rain and will often grab her wellies when it’s raining and bring them to me to tell me she wants to go out and play!!

Have you participated in #30dayswild? It’s not too late to join in!

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