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Surviving the 4th Trimester with the Natural Birthing Co.

*This post is in collaboration with The Natural Birthing Company. However, all opinions are my own*

Known as the ‘4th trimester’, those first three months after birth are essentially an extension of life in the womb. It tends to be the one trimester that hardly anyone talks about. You have had your beautiful new bundle of joy and you are soaking up every single second of newborn goodness. However, you may also feel battered, bruised and tired. The Natural Birthing Company not only have products to support you during your pregnancy – but also after you have given birth! They kindly sent me a few bits, and now that I have had time to really try them out, I want to share them with you!

Pure Bliss

After you have had a baby, things can be a little..tender in the downstairs department. Trauma after birth is incredibly common and never really spoken about. I had 2 2nd degree tears with both my girls, but in a different place with each one. With Molly they were internal, so I didn’t really have any issues what so ever. This time round, I tore my perineum slightly due to Evelyn arriving so darn quickly! Pure Bliss is a product that is designed to calm and sooth intimate areas after birth – including C-section scars! It contains Calendula which can reduce the feeling of swelling and supporting the tissues to heal thanks to its inflammatory properties. It can also be used on those pesky haemorrhoids if you happen to suffer with those too. I used this religiously in the weeks after having Evelyn and it provided so much comfort and relief.

Down Below

Research has shown that perineal massage from 34 weeks of pregnancy can reduce the risk of needing a cut in labour or badly tearing. Down Below contains a blend of Evening Primrose Oil, Rosehip Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil and Calendula Oil which are rich in antioxidants, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, assists in skin elasticity and promote skin healing. I wish I had had this when pregnant with Evelyn. Sadly I didn’t, so can’t comment on how well it works on the perineum. However, It can also be used on stretch marks, and that’s exactly what I have been using it for. I feel it has reduced the appearance of my stretch mars drastically, leaving my skin incredibly soft and hydrated.

Sleepy Mama

Sleepy Mama (Relaxing Pillow Mist) brings the feeling of relaxation to both body and mind when you need it the most! It contains a calm relaxing blend of Bergamot, Lavender and Chamomile which just smells divine! I used this when I was pregnant with Evelyn. I used it whilst in Hospital and it was a life saver when it came to helping me to relax and be less anxious. It also definitely helped with the end of pregnancy insomnia! Then when I was in labour, I used it as part of my hypno-birthing. This product is so versatile and can be used throughout the entire pregnancy, into the 4th trimester, and beyond!

Bosom Buddies

Breastfeeding for many can be a rough journey. From the sleepless nights to the incredibly sore nipples, it can be difficult. But it is also incredibly worth it! We are combie feeding Evelyn due to her difficulty latching. I was skeptical of these products, I won’t lie. But I was so wrong to be. The Bosom Buddies contains 3 bottles of essential oils, all for specific things.

The “Ooh!” blend contains Geranium, Peppermint, Cypress and German Chamomile essential oils to soothe tender, full and heavy breasts, engorged breasts or the symptoms of mastitis. “Ooh” will also calm, relax and uplift any new mummy exhaustion

The “Aah!” blend contains Fennel, Lemon Grass and Mandarin essential oils to support with milk production and flow and relieve any anxiety and stress – perfect for any mummies experiencing low milk supply.

The “Ouch!” blend contains Lavender, Neroli, Mandarin, Frankincense and Peppermint essential oils to soothe and calm sore nipples and relax a tired stressed mind.

My favourite has to be the Ooh and Ouch oils. Purely because I can physically feel them working their magic. Going into the 4th trimester the Ooh Oil was essential during the first week or so when my milk was coming in. That feeling of being full, sometimes got too much, and even pumping and feeding didn’t relieve it. The Ouch oil worked wonder when my nipples are cracked from cluster feeding. It instantly relieves and soothes.

Best Washes

Best Washes is a must have, especially during your first trimester! If you are like me, and one of the unlucky ones who gets super bad morning sickness (morning noon and night sickness for me!) then this product will hopefully help to settle your stomach, even just for a few moments so you can relax in the bath.

Best Washes uses the refreshing delicate aroma of Spearmint to soothe and calm icky tummies, together with Black Pepper to tackle the tired fuzzy mind, whilst Aloe Vera and natural foaming agents are soothing for sensitive skin.

The first trimester can be one of the toughest, mentally and physically. This product really does work wonders! You can also still use it after the baby has arrived, as the black pepper can also help to relieve tight and tired muscles. Perfect after a long day of nappy changes, and cluster feeding!


Have you experienced the 4th trimester? What were your must haves?

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