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Evelyn Elizabeth – Two Months Old

Dear Evelyn,

I cant quite believe that you are two months old already! Where has that time gone? You have changed and grown so much in the last month, and have a proper little personality now – a sassy one at that! We love watching the bond between you and your sister grow more and more each day. She has so much love for you darling girl, and so do we.

Your two months old update:


Finally, you are now too big for your Tiny Baby clothing! You wear Newborn or size 0-3 month clothing now. Some (depending where you get them from) are still a little too long for you, it just means they will last a little bit longer than the rest! Now you weigh a respectable 10lbs 4oz. You live in onesies because you get far too cold in anything else, and you hate being cold! That, and the fact that all the tights we have for you are still far too big for you!

Health and Development:

Your second month of life was just as dramatic as the first. We ended up taking you to hospital because the rash you had spread, and you decided to spend 3 hours vomiting and screaming for the entire world to hear. They confirmed your cows milk protein allergy, as well as a possibly infection. We spent the night at the hospital, and you had a Covid-19 test just to be on the safe side. It came back clear, which we expected! You are now on a completely dairy free formula, called Neocate. It stinks! However, you seem to be doing a lot better on it. The rash on your face has gone down, you not sick half as much as you used to and you are SO much more content.


At two months old, the truth is, you love your food kiddo. You are having 5oz every 3-4 hours and holy cow do you scream at us if we don’t give it to you quick enough! However, you are still having a combination of formula and breastmilk. Two months down and its working well! The new formula mentioned above is doing you the world of good, and you don’t seem to be guzzling it like you used to with the old one! You still suffer from Colic, and are having gripe water with every feed to try and give you a little helping hand.


You are now sleeping through the night! Praise the sleep gods! You started to sleep through the night at around 5 weeks old, just like your sister. The last few nights have been tricky, but that’s thanks to you having a little trouble with gas. As soon as you throw up you’re out like a light. You have your last feed around 9pm and you haven’t been waking up until 7am, sometimes later. Then you will nap twice during the day for around 2-3 hours at a time. 9 times out of 10 tend to fall asleep when you are being held, or when you are in your swing. You hate being put down – partly because of the difficulty you have with wind – but it means we baby wear….a lot!

Two months old milestones:

  • You can hold your head up amazingly well
  • Successfully breastfeeding – We are still going kid!
  • You are fixated on the TV when Molly is watching Cocomelon
  • Finding your voice – Cooing, copying sounds made to you, chatting away.
  • Becoming more alert. You are aware of noises around you, and you’ll turn your head towards sounds.
  • You’re beginning to touch a feel toys in front of you, especially during tummy time.
  • Socially smiling – All the time 🙂
  • Pushing down on your feet – When we hold you up, its almost like you are wanting to stand already!

Things you like:

  • All the milk – In any form!
  • Being held – you love a cuddle
  • You love being in your swing
  • White noise!
  • You have a pink knitted octopus that you love!
  • Molly reading to you – It makes you smile
  • You really love being in the sling/carrier
  • Music. You will always settle if there is music on.
  • Having your tummy tickled
  • Tummy time.
  • Having in depth chats with inanimate objects
  • Nappy free time!

Things you don’t like:

  • Being interrupted mid feed for winding.
  • Waiting for bottle to be made
  • Being put down flat on your back


  • Evie Pops

Favourite photos from this month:


Happy two months old beautiful.

Mummy and Daddy love you, to the moon and back.



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