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#30dayswild Week 2

The second week of The Wildlife Trust #30dayswild is over, and it has been a hectic one! This week was defiantly a little messier than last week. But we have had so much fun with it. Here is what we got up to!

Day 8

There’s nothing better than a bit of messy play! Molly and I went around the garden collecting things like leaves, flowers and pine cones. I made sure to collect enough for tomorrows activity too! We took them indoors and I set up the messy mat in the kitchen with some paints and some paper and just let her loose. I let her completely take the lead. She had a blast! Molly  loved dipping the flowers into the paint and making marks and using the paintbrush. She tried finger painting but much preferred using something.


Day 9

Today the weather completely turned. It became wet and cold and just blah! I set up a little nature sensory basket for Molly to explore. She liked sniffing the flowers and pulling the petals off one by one, counting them as she did it. Molly tried to eat the pine cone and then used the stick as a wand. Future Hufflepuff in the making? However, she wasn’t sure about the large leaf though.

Day 10

Day 10 was spent at Chessinton World of Adventures. We have Merlin Annual Passes so I plan to visit Chessington as well as other places as much as possible over the next year. As we walked to the bus stop, we had about 30 mins to spare. So, we went over the road to the park. Molly had fun watching the squirrels run up and down the trees and yelling at birds as they flew over us. At Chessington, Molly loved seeing all the animals – especially the Tigers and the Lorikeets.

Day 11

Does anyone else child love the rain? Molly will get her welly boots and drag me to the back door to go outside. I set up her tuff spot with some mud, and rocks and let Molly explore it. She had her scoop, paintbrush and spoon and had fun paining the rocks with mud. Then she was scooping up the mud and tipping it onto the patio.


Day 12

I love making playdough. I made Playdough last halloween with autumnal spices. However this time I wanted to adapt it slightly to fit the natural themeing. So, Molly and I went out into the garden and picked some herbs. I then cut them up and added them to the dough. You can read full post on how I made the herb scented Playdough over on this post.

Molly had so much fun with the playdough. She has a little rolling pin that we use for baking and she loved rolling out the playdoough and then sticking leaves onto it. She used her little knifes and her cutters to make shapes, squashing leaves onto the playdough to make leaf prints. Molly kept smelling the playdough and getting me to smell it too. She would say “mmmmm” after smelling each one. Can’t wait to adapt the playdough again maybe at Christmas time!

Day 13

I bought Molly a book all about bugs. It’s for older children, but she enjoyed looking at the pictures and pointing out all the critters saying “whats this?”. She has such an interest in animals and i love it! I cant wait to go on a bug hunt with her when we’ve slightly dryer weather! I might get some bug themed flash cards as she seems to be doing really well with the ones we’ve been using with her.

Day 14

It was a rather warm morning so we decided to have our breakfast outside. The in-laws have a swing in the garden, so we grabbed a blanket, made some coffee (for me) and a bowl of fruit for Molly, and we sat outside. It was so lovely. Listening to the bird tweeting and flying over. Molly shouting “bird” every time and “plane” every time she saw a plane pass over. I want to do this as often as possible, because it was so calming and a perfect way to start the day.

What did you get up to this week?

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