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#30dayswild 2019 Ideas

1st June marks the start of #30dayswild and I am so excited! 30 Days Wild is the UK’s month-long nature challenge set up by The Wildlife Trust.This challenge encourages you to do something wild every day in June. Once you have signed up you will either receive your pack via e-mail or through the post. In it will contain a chart, some stickers, a little booklet full of 101 wildness ideas and a tiny pack of seeds that you can plant.

Today I’m sharing a few ideas that you could do with children for #30dayswild

Water play.

If you’ve read my posts, you’ll know we love all things play. There are so many things you can do with water. You can set up a tuff spot or pot with water and get your little one to collect items from the garden to put in it. Leaves, petals, whatever they like. They will have fun exploring, pouring mixing.

You can grab some chalk, mix it with a little water and you’ve got sidewalk paint! Grab some paintbrushes, leaves flowers and you can make marks and explore different shapes and colours too! Let them take charge and have fun with it!

Make herb scented play dough

For Blogtober last year we made some fall scented play dough. During June I want to remake the play dough but using herbs from the garden! We have a wide variety growing at the moment and can’t wait for Molly to explore them!

Molly playing with Playdough

Make a bird feeder

This ones on the wildlife trusts #30dayswild list! There are several different ways you can make a bird feeder, but I think we will go with the peanut butter and loo roll tube option! Super simple but equally looks quite cool!

You grab the cardboard tube from a loo roll, spread some peanut butter on it and then rolls in bird seed. Hang it somewhere and enjoy watching birds come and have a nibble!

Play in the mud

I have waned to get Molly a mud kitchen for months now. But living with the in laws means limited space! I am however going to try and set up the tuff spot with mud based activities. Making mud pies, mud painting. Adding farm animals and setting up a small world scene. I’m so excited!

Play in the rain

I wrote a post not long ago about playing in the rain. Molly loves the rain, we play in it often. As well as those ideas, I want to make a rain gauge so we can keep track of rainfall over the month of June!

Plant seeds

The #30dayswild pack comes with a little pack of seeds for you to plant. But I also want to plant some more herbs, some strawberries and tomatoes! Fingers crossed they grow!

Find Elderflower

We live near a park that is inundated with Elderflower. I really want to take Molly to go pick some and then to try and make Elderflower cordial with it! It’s one of my favourite drinks and it seems such a shame to not use what’s growing! Later in the year they will produce elderberries which I’m equally excited to pick and make stuff with!

Paint with Nature

We love to paint! I have an idea of going to the woodland and collecting items that we can bring home and use with paints. I’d show Molly some of the marks that can be made and then leave her to explore for herself. We could use different flowers, leaves, twigs, rocks. Whatever we find really.

Make a bug hotel

I’ve wanted to buy one of these for a while, however I found a pin on pinterest on how to make your own. So I may give this ago instead and get Molly to help me!

Look for minibeasts

Molly loves spiders, Worms, anything that’s tiny and moves. She squeals with excitement! I have ordered a little mini easy box that we can collect a bug in and observe safely. She’s 17 months and sometimes gets a little grabby – I’d rather not accidentally squish anything!

Nature scavenger hunt

Back in Autumn I created a scavenger hunt. I am going to do the same for the #30dayswild. Make a list of things we’ve got to find, and then take a photo of Molly with it when we find it!

Bird watching

Living by a woodland means we have a lot of birds flying about. Molly shouts “bird” when ever she sees one. It’s quite cute. However, when you’re trying to be quiet as not to scared said bird – it’s just funny! I want to try and start teaching her about different birds. Never too early right?

Fruit picking

There’s a blackberry bush not far from our house that we pick every year. It ripens later in the year though. However, we live close to a pick you’re own. We visited there last year and we plan to revisit several times this year! That counts, yeah?

Walk through the woods

There is nothing better than just going for a walk in the woods. No plans. No goal. Just going for a walk and exploring nature. It’s also called Forest bathing and has so many health benefits!! Definitely a must for all ages!

Go for a picnic

I waned to do this last year but sadly never got around to doing it. Mollys at an age now where we could go for a picnic and she can also enjoy the food! As well as playing outdoors! Maybe I’ll organise a group of friends and their little ones to get together and do this!

Build a den outdoors

Liam will definitely need to help with this one. I don’t think I could build a den. I’ll give it a darn good try, but we will see how it goes!

Jump in muddy puddles

If your kid loves Peppa Pig, then this will be a hit! Stick on those wellies and go find the biggest muddy puddle you can find!

Collect rocks to paint

rock painting was a thing a while back. It’s still going on near me and it’s so nice to see the children getting excited when they find a painted rock! We may paint a few and then go hide them!

There you have it. A few simple ideas that you can do with your little one for #30dayswild. Are you going to join in?

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