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5 Ways to Encourage Outdoor Play In Winter

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. – Fred Rogers

Children and youth these days spend a lot of time indoors using electronic equipment like computers, game consoles, tablets, mobile phones, watching their favorite programs on TV, or playing with the numerous electronic toys that are available today. Now, whilst I am not against that what so ever ( Cbeebies and Disney have babysat Molly for a hour or two after a night shift ) I knew when I was pregnant or when I had my own family, that I’d want to spend as much time outdoors as possible and very little indoors.

Being outdoors comes with an array of benefits and opportunities for exploration and learning. But what about heading outside during these colder months?

While it might feel like those rainy days restrict us from enjoying outdoor play, the truth is there are so many great benefits from popping on your boots, dressing warm and getting out into nature, even in winter.

1)  Bring The Toys Outdoors

I’m not talking technology or noisy toys. I’m on about things like, dump trucks, pots and pans that you no longer use. Let them play in the dirt, the rain, the snow and get messy. Set up a tuff tray full of natural items for them to explore as they like. Playing with old pots and pans in the rain makes perfect music play! You could even do something as simple as building a snowman! What’s important is that they are reaping the benefits of being outside and enjoying unstructured play.

2) Go On a Nature Walk

It can be around your back garden or at a local park . Looking with a slightly different perspective, could change the way a child interacts with nature. If you have older children, maybe look at something like a rock tumbler. Then you can collect rocks and talk about how they change and why they are changing ect.


3) Make It Social

Inviting a friend over to play may be just the incentive your child needs to play outdoors. Set up a fun outdoor invitation to play (or two) and leave them to it. You could also arrange to meet some friends somewhere like a local park and go explore together. Take some hot drinks in flasks and some snacks and have fun!

4) Go On A Winter Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are a perfect way to get your little ones outside! Grab a basket, create a list and collect sticks, different coloured and shaped leaves, pine cones ect and bring them home. Observe and talk about what you found, You could even make art out of them. You can make paint brushes out of natural elements, stamps, Mud and Bloom even made a wind chime out of sticks! The possibilities are endless!

5) Build or Create a Mud Kitchen.

You don’t need a big fancy “kitchen” to class it as a mud kitchen. All you need is a few old pots and pans, cups, bowls some utensils and a child. That’s it. The rest is down to your child’s imagination. Encourage and allow them to get messy, to make you delicious mud cakes, or snow cakes if your lucky enough to have enough snow! Let them go crazy and have fun! Mud kitchens are perfect in every type of weather!

Encouraging outdoor play in cold weather is not always fun. Putting hats and gloves on tiny humans and getting them to keep them on is enough to send any parent straight back to the warm. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, set up towels and clean warm clothing for your return, muster your courage, and just do it. I promise, it’ll be worth it!

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