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We have an Allotment!

Almost any garden, if you see it at just the right moment, can be confused with paradise. -Henry Mitchell

If you have been following me for a while now, you’ll know that in the summer 2019 I applied for a plot at our local allotment. It took a while for them to get back to us, but we were approved! Molly and I went to visit the allotment to pick out our plot just before my morning sickness reached an all time high. Due to the sickness, I was unable to do anything. However, I have been dreaming up ideas and drawing up plans of what i’d like it to look like and what I’d like to try and grow.

We currently live with Liam’s parents, and are saving for a house of our own. They have a beautiful garden, but it’s their garden. We attempted to grow a few things over the summer in pots, and whilst they grew, I don’t think they reached their full potential. Liam and I spoke about getting a plot at the allotment, and for the first time in a while, I was excited about the upcoming project. We want to reduce the amount of packaging that comes wrapped around our food, and eat healthier as well as save money. So why not grow our own food?

I’d love to be able to do this, as Eco friendly and Sustainable as possible. I am a complete newbie at this, and I’ll be honest with you, I’ve not a bloody clue what I am doing. It’ll all be learning on the job. Finding out what works and what doesn’t, and browsing Pinterest and the interweb for help and inspiration along the way! Here are a few things I want to do/have/grow on the Allotment over the next year…

Make a mud kitchen for Molly

Molly loves to be outdoors as it is. She gets ants in her pants if we spend too long indoors, so  know she will love helping me and watching things as they grown. I want to make it as colourful as possible. Not just with plants and flowers, but with paint and other elements.

I really want to build Molly a mud kitchen at the allotment. I have been looking into how to build one using old pallets, and I can’t wait to actually give it a go! My friend Nia made her kids one last summer and It looked amazing. It won’t be anything super fancy, but something simple for her to play with.

Make/grow a living Teepee

Browsing Pinterest, I kept coming across these teepees made from plants. You can plant them in pots, and then arrange in a circle, or dig straight into the ground. You then use bamboo sticks, join with twine at the top and then weave twine around the poles as something for the plant to climb up easily. As it grows, it creates a teepee. I thought this would be really cool for Molly to help make and watch grown, and then enjoy when complete. Something to do every year! I need to decide what plant we’d use. Imagine having a little blanket in there in the Summer, snacking on homegrown produce, Perfect!

Grow Wild Flowers

Now, It’s no secret that wildflowers have many benefits to the environment. Last summer I was sent some wildflower bombs and seeds, but never got the chance to plant them. Molly and I grew Corn flowers that we got in out #30dayswild pack, but I want to go bigger! I am hoping.planning to have a fence around my allotment, with a gate at the front. Either side of the gate, I’m hoping to grow a mass amount of wild flowers.Little maintenance and look they beautiful.

Build a Bug Hotel

I wanted to make one of these last Summer when we took part in #30dayswild. However, due to lack of space and it not being our garden, I put it off. This spring, We plan to build on at the Allotment. Molly and I have already been collecting pinecones over the winter months and various sticks to use. It’s nowhere near the amount of materials we will need, but it’s a decent start. We are thinking about using the dolls house from Ikea, filling it up with the bits and bobs, and then securing chicken wire across the front to keep everything in place. Don’t know if we will do this, it’s just an idea at the moment.

Grow a Tea Garden & Medicinal Plants

Over the last year I have become more and more interested in Herbology. It started off with Herbal teas, I love the idea of growing plants to create my own herbal teas. Plants like Chamomile, Mint, Roses, Elderberry, Milk thistle and even Lavender. There are so man more that you can add to make a tea, and I’m excited to experiment!

Researching how to make my own herbal tea then led me down a path of medicinal plants. Plants have an incredible impact and can be so beneficial to our health. I have been researching the benefits of each plant, and what I can make with said plants. For example Calendula. The “petals” are edible and the whole flower is an important medicinal herb in treating skin conditions. Calendula is found in topical ointments, salves and creams.

You can even use Dandelions! Dandelions are not only edible, but they are also full of health benefits. These medicinal plants are packed with things that are great for you: vitamin K, vitamin C, iron, calcium and more. These vitamins and minerals help support strong bone and liver health. All parts of a dandelion are useful and good for you. For example, dandelion roots are commonly used for teas, the leaves are used as garnishes for different dishes and dandelion sap is great for your skin! I made some Lemon and Dandelion biscuits last Summer and they were SO good!

Basically, I can’t wait to grow, experiment and pretend I’m at Hogwarts…just without the Mandrakes!

Get a Shed and a Green House

I am far to excited at buying a shed and a greenhouse. Does that make me old? I have been researching and have found the shed I’d like. Its got two little windows at the front and look slike a little house. I’m excited to paint it and make it my own. I’d like to put/build a desk/workbench along the entire back wall with a few shelves above it. I’m planning on storing my tools and seeds in there. As well as a place to dry herbs and flowers. I am going to get a little gas stove to we can make hot drinks like tea and hot chocolate!

A lot of people plant seedlings and keep them at home until they are ready to be planted into the ground. I don’t have the luxury of that space. So, a green house would be perfect to basically be a potting shed. It would be a place for me me pot my plants and keep seedlings, and maybe even grow a few things like tomatoes to protect them from tiny fingers!


These are only a a small few of the things off my list of allotment goals. It’s going to be a long and slow process to get the plot how I’d like it. A lot of trial and error and a lot of mistakes! I’m learning as I go, and I am so excited to get started!

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