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My Hopes & Goals for 2020

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day – Edith Lovejoy Pierce


2020 is upon us and I can’t quite believe it. It feels like yesterday we were welcoming in 2010, and here we are, 10 years later. I feel I say this most years, but 2020 is set to be exciting. With baby #2 arriving in April, it’s definitely set to be a busy one full of big changes for us all. I have split my goals up into Life and Blog, some of these you will find on my 100 in 1001 list. I want to continue to tick those off one by one.


Complete 1000 Hours Outside Challenge.

Last year I participated in 150 hours outside, and completed it quicker than I thought I would and found it wasn’t much of a challenge. This year I’d love to complete 1000 hours outside challenge, hopefully more! I have created a chart in my bullet journal and intend to keep track! With a newborn due in April, It may be slow to start with. But I am sure, once we find our new rhythm there will be no stopping us!

Starting Our Allotment.

The end of 2019 saw me get approval and the keys to our very own Allotment. It took a while, but we did it. This may not seem like a huge things to some people, but it is a missive thing for me. I love being outdoors, and have a secret passion for growing things. We tried to grow a few things last year in pots in the In laws garden. Some worked, others not so much. I wanted a space where I had the freedom to do what I like, and grow what I like. Without being restricted to pots. I am currently putting together a whole post of things I’d like to do at the allotment, I’m a tad excited about it!

Reduce our waste even more

2019 saw us make some big changed as a family. We switched to cloth nappies and wipes, use reusable bottles, buy food that’s not in plastic over the food that is. Make more meals from fresh as apposed to pre-packaged items. We ditched our plastic toothbrushes, shampoo in bottles, reusable make up wipes and so much more. in 2020 I want to take it further. Now we have the allotment, I can compost. I can grow our food and minimise our waste even more. With the new baby arriving, I want to explore Baby friendly Eco friendly alternatives. Living with in In laws can make this difficult at times, and I know that as soon as we get our own place, We will be able to fully commit and have control over what in our home.

Get out more.

Summer 2019 saw me written off with really bad HG (sickness) due to being pregnant with baby #2. Now, whilst I still managed to do a few things, I never got to do a lot of the things or go to the places I wanted to. This year, once baby is born, I vow to get out more. I am going to be on maternity leave for an entire year, so I want to visit more National Trust places, Go for more walks, Visit places like Kew & Wisley  more often as they are both stunning. I want to visit the beach more as we never got to last Summer. Meet up more with friends and their tiny humans ( 2 of my friends who live near by are due just after me with their first babies ). I want to go on more adventures to visit friends and family further afield: Somerset, Newcastle, Scotland, Lincoln, Southampton and more. I want to visit The Eden Project, because we were kindly invited last Summer, but I was too poorly to go. Basically, I want to spend as little time in the house as possible!!

Dip our toes into Home Education.

This year will see us dipping our toes into Home Education. I am always doing play activities with Molly, and incorporating topics such as numbers, colours, letters as well as taking into consideration the physical Benefits ; developing fine and gross motor skills, reflexes and movement control as well as increasing flexibility and balancing skills to name a few. 2020 we are going to being loosely following “Exploring Nature With Children” by Lynn Seddon and the Charlotte Mason way of leaning. Seeing what works for us and what doesn’t and just having fun with it before starting properly next year. The fab things Is that it ties in so perfectly with us wanting to spend more time outdoors!

Take Better Care of Myself.

Since falling pregnant with Molly back in 2017, I haven’t really taken care of myself. I changed to a Vegan/Veggie diet, but it wasn’t exactly the healthier options. In 2020 I want to take better care of myself. Wanting to get out and about more will hopefully allow me to get more exercise into my routine. I want to go back to my healthy Vegan diet. More fresh produce, go back to making things from scratch. Drinking more water and not being so hard on myself. I don’t care about the number on the scales, but I want to love myself again. My body has been through a lot. 6 pregnancies, and 1 birth – another one pending. It’s done so much more for me than I realised, and I need to start taking better care of it.



Blog about whatever I want.

Last year I spent a lot of it worrying about what others thought and worried too much about their opinions. When I started thing blog, It was to document our journey into parenthood and the adventures it entailed. 2019 found me trying to fit into a specific niche and only writing posts on those topics. The truth is, I have many passions in life and I want my blog to reflect that. 2020 is going to be the year I take back control of my little blog, and write whatever the feck I want. So expect posts on everything from Parenting, family adventures, Sustainability, Play, Home Education, Reading, Food and even Gardening/Allotment posts. It my space and I’m taking it back!

To not worry about the numbers

I try my hardest not to worry about the numbers, but sometimes it’s incredibly difficult. Recently I have found myself getting very frustrated about people who partake in follow loops to gain followers, thus making them look “bigger” with very little effort. I’m sat there comparing myself to them, wondering what I’m doing wrong, when actually I’m not doing anything wrong at all. My numbers are forever fluctuating, that’s because I don’t do loops, I don’t buy followers. I am starting to to understand that people come and go as they please and I’m now proud of growing slowly and organically. I am spending 2020 not worrying about the number of people following me, but the people themselves. Interacting and engaging more with my following. Creating and maintaining the friendships social media has blessed me with.


A few other things I’d like to complete in 2020;

Pass My driving test

Move into our own home

Organise and print our photos

Finish Molly’s scrapbook

Finish family scrapbooks

Minimise our possessions

Got to a family festival

Hope you all have a wonderful 2020 full of love, joy and all the adventures!





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