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Benefits Of Buying Wooden Toys Over Plastic Toys

Over the last few months Liam and I have been buying more wooden toys for Molly as apposed to plastic. This is largely due to the research I have been doing in regards to plastic and the environment, but there are other reasons too!

More Durable, Safe & Environmentally Friendly.

You need to understand that all toys end up in the lap of Mother Earth one day. As plastic is not a biodegradable material, it is not an Eco-friendly move to buy toys made from plastic. The wooden toys break down without releasing hazardous toxins and can also be recycled easily. Buying wooden toy’s can prevent filling up the landfills with non-biodegradable and man-made plastic toys. Plastic toys are also toxic and not great for a child’s health if chewed on.

I won’t bore you too much with the statistics in this post, but plastic is polluting and destroying our planet. Either by ending up in landfills, or filling our oceans and killing wildlife. Estimates on how long it takes plastic to decompose range from 450 years to never. It’s just sitting there, damaging our planet.

Wooden Toy’s are Beautiful.

To me, wooden toys just look nicer. They are classic and beautiful. Wooden toys come in very attractive styles and are loved by kids of all ages. When I was younger, my siblings and I grew up with mostly plastic toys. Whilst we loved them at the time, they either broke or were thrown away because we didn’t play with them anymore. I don’t want that for Molly, or other children we may have and I’m hoping they will remain part of our household for years to come.

Molly has a new winnie the pooh toy

They Enhance Your Child’s Imagination

Most of the toys you get these days do everything for you. They make noises, they move on their own, they even light up. If you actually watch your child play with these toys, I bet they are just sat there watching it. Maybe pressing a button to make it move, or make a noise again.  Don’t get me wrong, I bet they have a big smile on their face whilst watching it, but that toy isn’t stimulation their imagination. Many wooden toys support the imagination of your child while offering unending entertainment. Wooden toys can help to encourage role-play in children and engage in meaningful activities that can prepare them to face challenges in their life.

Most of the wooden toys are heavier than plastic toys and help children to be aware of what their hands are doing. This can be very helpful to children with issues in the development of fine motor skills or sensory disorders.

Wooden Toys Offer More Value for Money

As wooden toys are durable and long lasting, therefore they offer a great value for money. Easy as that!

Wooden toys can grow with your child

Due to you child having to use their imagination a little more with wooden toys, means they grow with your child. Classic wooden toys like train sets and doll houses can be built up over time as your child gets older. As your family grows, the toys can be played by all as there is not so much of an age restriction. Especially with items such a peg dolls – A true classic!

Wooden toys have more texture

If you’ve ever come across  treasure baskets, you’ll know that the more texture-rich objects you put in there the better. Babies love experimenting with objects with different weights and things that ‘feel’ different. And let’s face it, plastic has its uses, but when it comes to texture it’s a little bit boring. It certainly doesn’t provide the same sensory experience that wooden toys give.

We have kindly asked family and friends for no plastic toys for Molly’s Birthday/Christmas as we really want to reduce the ones she already has. All the plastic toys she does have will either be going into storage for future children or to the charity shop. We have got her some beautiful wooden toys and I can’t wait for her to open them!

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1 Comment

  1. December 20, 2018 / 10:05 pm

    These are all fantastic reasons to buy wooden toys! I’m keeping this in mind for my one day x

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