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Why I love Essential Oils

Essential oils

Essential oils can be a wonderful way to make natural products, scent your home, and boost your mood, but there is so much to learn about using them. Essential Oils have become a huge part of our life, and I wanted to share with you why & how we use them in our home.

My Essential oils journey started over ten years when I was a teen. I have been a fan of their natural healing and health capabilities ever since. I used to have a oil burner, and used to burn them because I loved the smells that filled the room as I did college work or tried to relax.

It wasn’t until I fell pregnant with Molly that I decided to research a bit more about them. I was so frustrated with the sickness and not being able to sleep, mixed with lots of stress, constantly feeling run down & I could never relax. I never felt like I knew enough to start using them. They quickly became a beautiful necessity throughout my pregnancy and delivery. Fast forward a year and they have now become part of our daily routine and more. We use them for anything and everything, from aromatherapy, household cleaning products to personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments. Here are a few ways that my family use essential oils:

Boost Immunity & Fight Infections 

Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that help to boost your immune system and fight infections. Some of the best essential oils for your immunity include oregano, myrrh, ginger, lemon, eucalyptus, frankincense, peppermint and cinnamon. If any of us are feeling under the weather, or poorly sick as we call it, I normally pop a blend of ginger and lemon with a drop of oregano into the defuser. Love it!

Boost Energy Levels

Did you know that some oils have stimulating effects and can help increase oxygen to your brain? These will leave you feeling refreshed, focused and energized. Some other great essential oils for energy include grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, eucalyptus and rosemary.

Reduce Emotional Stress & Anxiety

Some essential oils have sedative properties and induce a calm, peaceful, uplifting and relaxed feeling. The best essential oils for anxiety and stress include lavender, Roman chamomile, bergamot, ylang ylang, orange, rose and frankincense. When Molly is having a rough patch where she wakes during the night, I spray some of the ‘Sweet dreams’ spray that I’ve made into her cot on onto her canopy. I can honestly say It helped. She settled easier and was so much more relaxed, so its become a night time ritual for us now. I spray it on our bed to! Works a treat. Fill up a cosmetic spray bottle with water, add 10 drops of Lavendar and 6 drops of Cederwood. Happy sleeping!

A pilot study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that the use of aromatherapy as a complementary therapy helped to reduce anxiety and depression scales in postpartum women. Women between zero and 18 months postpartum were divided into either a treatment group that inhaled a blend of rose and lavender essential oils or a control group that didn’t receive any type of aromatherapy. After four weeks, the women using aromatherapy had significant improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms compared to those in the control group

When I have down day’s, or when my anxiety is at a high, I use a bled of Rosewater and Lavender. I will have it on for hours at a time, sometimes the entire day. I have found that it helps me a lot get out of a mental funk. Highly recommend to anyone who suffers from Depression or anxiety.

Around the Home

I can only Imagine most of you are part of the #Hincharmy. There’s nothing like a clean home – even better if you were able to create it without using harsh chemicals. You can use essential oils for so many things around the home. From making your own cleaning products using three drops each of lemon essential oil and tea tree oil to a few ounces of warm water. Then spray countertops to naturally disinfect. To getting rid of unwanted pet odours. Geranium and Lemongrass essential oils are great for dispersing unwanted pet odours. You can add to your washing, to get rid of cigarette smoke smells, to freshen up carpets, clean showers – There are so many ways!

Boost Skin and Hair Health

Using essential oils in your skin, hair and in place of beauty products is a natural and effective way to keep up your personal care routines without having to use products that are made with chemicals and hydrogenated oils. Essential oils can calm irritated skin, reduce signs of aging, like age spots, improve acne, protect your skin from sun damage and thicken your hair. The best essential oils for skin and hair health include lavender, Roman chamomile, frankincense, tea tree, geranium, myrrh, helichrysum, rosemary and clary sage.

When the good’ol postpartum hair loss kicked in, I decided to start adding a few drops of Rosemary oil to my shampoo and my god did I notice a difference. My hair got thicker and stronger and didn’t fall out as much. I also make my own hair masks. Get a jar of coconut oil, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the jar. Apply a generous amount to your hair, leaving it in for as long as you can, over night if possible. I do this about once a week and have seen a vast improvement!!

This is the first of many posts around Essential oils. Do you have any favorite scents or blends that you use?

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