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Meeting Online Friends In Real Life – Caitylis

“There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.”
– Jim Henson

At the beginning of the month, Liam, Molly and myself made the trip to York for the Bump and Baby Expo. We had arranged to meet up Caitylis and her Family. Therefore I was full of mixed emotions for weeks leading up to the day. I was anxious and nervous but equally buzzing with excitement.

Caitylis and I have been speaking regularly since we found out we were expecting our babies just days apart. Turns out Molly stole Theodore’s Due date, and he arrived 6 days later. Then over the last 10 months or so we have been speaking on the daily about anything and everything. So it was about time we met up in person!

Finally, we met up at the Expo. We just clicked straight away. The boys bonded whist Caitylis and I went to listen to some of the talks. After browsing all the stalls, we decided to go back into town and have some dinner. So we headed to Nandos!

These two were hilarious in Nandos. They were Reading books, sharing food as well as exchanging general baby babble. After dinner, the smalls were getting a bit antsy, so we took a walk to a park close by to allow the toddlers to knacker themselves out. They ran around the park for at least an hour. Smelling flowers, climbing on everything the possibly could and watching boats and ducks on the river. However, I think they  enjoyed chasing after the pigeons and seagulls the most. Their little laugh’s were so contagious.

The Perfect Day…

It was so lovely to finally be able to meet Caitylis, Brad and Theodore in person after having spoken for so long. We have spoken every day since, and, as cheesy as it sounds, I don’t know what I’d do without her. She is my rock. I can speak about anything to her and know that I wont be judged in anyway. Also, If I need someone to be brutally honest with me – She will be. I know I can ask her about parenting, blogging, photography, anything and she will always be there offering love and support in any way she can.

I’ve met so many people through Blogging, and I will be forever grateful for that online support system I have acquired over the last year or so. But nothing quite beats being able to meet those friends in person.

Have you ever met up with people you’ve met online?

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