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Godstone Farm Adventures | Blogtober Day 25

Today Molly and I went over to Godstone Farm for their Halloween event with my best friend Becky. I have known Becky since year 8 and Molly loves her so much. I had never been to Godstone Farm before so didn’t really know what to expect. When we got there the front entrance of the Farm was covered in spiders webs, and giant spiders.

We were handed a massive list of everything going on throughout the day – We couldn’t believe how much they had going on! The first thing we did was head to the cafe to grab a coffee and chose what we wanted to do for throughout the day. The first thing we did was the tractor ride. It was only a few quid to go on the tractor ride, kids under 2 go free. Molly loved it. She was sat with Becky the entire time, and looking around and smiling at everything!

After the tractor ride we decided to walk the trail we just took to have a better look. The trail is decorated so well for Halloween, with things in trees, the animal pens, in the water, everywhere you looked there was something Halloween Themed. Molly enjoyed looking at the animals, especially the piglets – I must admit they were very cute!

All over the farm there were very funny and cleverly done decorations. Vampire teeth flowers, spooky squahes, eyeball flowers, whoever came up with these is genius! After we went for a walk around the farm we came across the pumpkin patch. What they had done is set up rows of hay and buried in the hay were pumpkins. There we tiny wheelbarrows and the idea was that the child could take their own wheelbarrow and pick their own pumpkin. Another wonderfully cute idea that we loved! Molly sat in the wheelbarrow as she cant walk yet, and we placed a pumpkin almost in her lap. She was happy as larry just sitting there with it.

You then took your proudly chosen pumpkin to the tent and got carving. They provided all the tools you needed to make your own pumpkin lantern. There was no time or age limit to this activity which was great. The young man who was running it was amazing, couldn’t fault him if I tried. He was great and interactive with the children, Molly was more interested in eating the pumpkin which he found amusing, as did we!You then had a choice, you could either take your pumpkin with you, or leave it in a box with your name on it and collect later! Fab if you wanted to do more activities around the farm and didn’t fancy lugging around a pumpkin!

Before heading home, Molly fell asleep, so Becky and I had a mooch around. Another great idea f theirs, was that they had these ” Trick or treat” doors. They were 3 different doors set up, and the idea was that you’d go and knock on them and there would be a different person in costume behind each one giving out a treat! Perfect for small children who maybe wouldn’t get the opportunity to actually go trick or treating on Halloween.

There were other activity that were aimed for older children, crafts, games ect and a giant play barn that was heaving with people, so we decided to leave it for another day! They also had what they called, a transformation station where you paid i think £5 and got a few items/costume and your face painted. Giving you the opportunity to really get into the Halloween spirit!

We then came across Monster Masquerade. A cute walk through/trail full of little scenes. Some were quite amusing, like the dont drink of fly rhyme next to the Witch crashed into the tree. Molly was still asleep at this point, but Becky and I enjoyed looking at everything, it was all very cleverly done!

Molly had just woken from a nap – So not impressed!

Overall, We all had a pretty lovely day. I’d highly recommend visiting Godstone farm during the Halloween season! They have a Christmas event happening. I cant wait to bring Molly back and see what they have in store for the festive season!

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